Monday 6 January 2014

Re-working my front cover design of my digi-pak:

Today, I felt after show my digi-pak front cover that it could be improved to get a better mark.

I showed my teacher the provisional design, that I was working on and she said that the design was good and inventive, yet she doesn't think that any new artist starting out in the music industry would not have a picture of the artists face on the front cover.

After receiving this constructive criticism I thought that now was my opportunity to make the changes to make the design better. So I switched back the design of the drawing, played around with the tones to get a consistent design and changed the composition. I now think that the design is as coherent as it possibly can be, for the front cover.

Though, to make sure this is clear I will hand out a survey to people asking which design they think is better out of the location shot and the drawing of the artist. I will blog the feedback and make changes where are necessary so that the design is the best it can be. I will also ask both my teachers which design that they think is best and document the feedback that they have on the designs and once again make changes where I think that they will be needed.

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