Monday 28 October 2013

Carbon Prints:

I have as you can see from the images started to explore a new way of making my digi-pak more visually interesting. I tried to do this in a more creative way, so as you can see what I have done is introduced carbon printing too my digi-pak cover and this is because as an art student I know how to use mediums that more arty.

To start with I began by printing some of the images that I took the other day of the model. I used these images specifically as they were good images that were in focus meaning that when doing my carbon print the final product would be more successful. Then, using making tape I taped the images to the carbon paper and card and printed the images by drawing over the top of the image creating a replica.

I am very happy with the overall outcome of these prints and this is because were they have been handcrafted it means that the outcomes have a very unique organic feel surrounding it that cannot be replicated through an image or photograph. My personal favourite print out of all of the prints has to the third print with the most detail in as it is clear to me that it is Ruby Collins and her image is very recognisable, meaning that this type of print could go onto the front cover of the album because her image is recognisable. This is because the first album that a brand new artist releases should have their image on the front panel and this is because as a media platform it should create product familiarity.

To make the carbon prints more visually attractive I plan to introduce colour to them including watercolours, acrylic and felt tip. First, I will explore what works well and then I will start to refine the cover more.
Below is my favourite Print:

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