Monday 2 December 2013

Editing 28/11/13:

The screenshots on this blog post show all of the development of my editing. I have only just started to edit the music video today so as you can see from the above moving timeline, there is not that much footage. though, I do think that from one location I filmed quite a lot of things that could actually be kept in the final product.

Personally I am quite happy with the footage as it came out in very good quality and it was a great day to film.

The success of editing early is that I can see what areas in the music video need to be altered and what pieces of music are missing some footage. I haven't put them  all in the finished areas, as I haven't filmed the whole of the video, though, this doesn't matter as I personally think that it is probably best if I film a range of sequences and then merge them altogether so the video is less continuous and repetitive. I think that editing after every stage of filming will be a good thing as it means I look at the video with fresh eyes every time I edit. It will also hopefully give me more of a knowledge of the music video.  

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