Tuesday 31 December 2013

Journal Post

I just wanted to add a journal post to say what I have currently worked on in connection with my Music video as well as what I plan to do in the upcoming week.

I have so far as you can see from my blog made big changes to my Digi pak and my print advert and these changes I think we're completely necessary as they have made my designs look more professional. Therefore, I will get a better mark. I think the changes to the design were also effective in showing that the artist was less about her image, it has also made my artist have stronger routes with urban Jazz as the colours are more organic.

I hope to in the next upcoming week try and make some more drastic change to the project, by making both my Digi pak and my print advert even more sophisticated by playing with effects on the overall designs. This will help me to see if the colours are effective. From this I plan to try and do an online poll to see what colours are the most liked. This gives me the chance to source audience feedback from a range of people that visit my blog as well as have a design that is less controlled by just my own opinion.

I also plan to try and get all of the second location footage onto my Final Cut Pro design, so I know what to do next. It will also give me the opportunity to retake footage if needed. I think that I also need to try and make a clear calendar that will detail some self set deadlines. This is essential as I know that the deadline for the first shoot is close looming and I don't want to have to make lots of changes to my music video after that screening.

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